A little bit of my regular life intruding on the blog today… This summer I’m working at the debate camp here at Dartmouth. Debate camp, as you might imagine, is pretty much the coolest place around. And, as if it wasn’t hip enough to begin with, now we’re moving full-speed-ahead into the 21st century, and putting all our information, lectures, and various other stuff online.
The upshot of this is that the lectures for the Dartmouth Debate Workshop (just completed today), which were already on our wiki are now available in podcast form. You can either go to this url or search within the iTunes store for “Dartmouth Debate Workshop.” Even more exciting, the lectures for the upcoming Dartmouth Debate Institute – including some by me – will be available soon. So if you’re really excited to hear me talk about the hydrogen economy or counterplan theory, this is your chance.
If, on the other hand, you want to hear the next big thing from Scandinavian pop, you can just listen to this track from Swedish songstress Lykke Li:
Dance Dance Dance – Lykke Li