Some brains are just wired wrong

I’ve been incredibly sick for the past week or so. Hence the lack of posts. It’ll still be a while before I’m fully back on my feet, but while I sit around trying to get better, I figured I could find the energy for a post or two.

Banner Pilot play precisely the type of punk rock that I find myself most interested in these day: crisp guitars, a gravely voice, and no fear of rolling out some nice hooks or a big chorus. I never got around to listening to Resignation Day until the last month or so, or it would have definitely made my list of top albums for 2008.

There’s nothing groundbreaking here, but that’s precisely why it’s so good. Much like with cooking, sometimes the best thing is just to keep it simple and let the time-tested core elements do their thing.

Wired Wrong – Banner Pilot
Speed Trap – Banner Pilot

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