How could we know that promises end?

Promise Kept – DonkeyBoy
Promises – Eric Clapton

In a bizarre turn of events, Karl Rove makes the following claims:

Barack Obama won the presidency in large measure because he presented himself as a demarcation point. The old politics, he said, was based on “spin,” misleading arguments, and an absence of candor. He’d “turn the page” on that style of politics.

Promises have to be met. And a president who promised to be one thing cannot be another. At some point, the gap between good feelings and results, between perception and reality, closes.

What’s that? Karl Rove is now a proponent of Obama reforming health care to make it universal? He supports cap and trade? He supports closing Guantanamo?

That’s very noble of him, to notice that Obama ran on a platform of change, was elected in a resounding victory, and that therefore the will of the people as expressed ought to be hewed to.

Oh, wait. No. It’s just a preposterously spun hit job, making use of whatever tactics seem relevant to lash out at his political opponents, with zero effort to make his arguments fit together coherently. Indeed, in this same editorial he accuses Obama of trying to get health care reform and comprehensive energy regulation.

See, that’s the thing about this wave of attacks on Obama, accusing him of violating the principles on which he ran. If we’re supposed to take that seriously, then shouldn’t we be lauding him for actually DOING a wide range of things he promised he would do?

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