A blast from the past on this chilly Saturday, with a couple tracks from California punk icons Face to Face.
From their first album Don’t Turn Away. That record came out in 1992, which leads me to ask: can it really have been 14 years? I remember this song coming out. Scary. Anyways, this is what pretty much every 90s punk song wishes it could have sounded like. The crunching guitars, the bombastic chorus, the gruff yet earnest vocals. It made its way onto many many of my high school mixtapes.
You Could’ve Had Everything
A newer track from 2000’s Reactionary. It doesn’t pack quite as much of a punch as “Disconnected” but it’s still a great song. When it’s done right, a song like this sounds so simple to make, but countless failed pop-punk ripoffs demonstrate that finding just the right balance is tougher than it seems.