The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom

I’m finally mostly recovered from the bout of the flu that pretty much knocked me out for the last couple weeks. So posting will resume at a more normal (but still sporadic) pace.

But today is still mostly a placeholder post, as I have a ton of reading to get done for my class tonight. Along those lines, though, I’ve been listening to a lot more ambient/drone/minimalist spacey sorts of music these days while I’m studying or working.

Still, I’d hesitate to call it “background” music, because it’s not exactly something I’m trying to ignore. It just activates a different part of the brain and lets the analytic side stay focused. The upshot of this is that I’ve finally started listening to Stars of the Lid – something I ought to have done long ago since I’ve known one of the guys in the band for like a decade.

As he puts it, they like their music to “breathe.” This song really gives you a sense of what that means.

Even If You’re Never Awake (Deuxième) – Stars of the Lid, from …and Their Refinement of the Decline

Other stuff that I’ve found myself returning to quite a bit recently (all found through the magic of eMusic, by the way)

Eighty-Four Thousand Hymns – Hammock, from Maybe They Will Sing For Us Tomorrow

The Same Moon and Stars – Windy and Carl, from Songs for the Broken Hearted

Peak – A Setting Sun, from Empty Sound

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