I don’t know what they’re putting in the water in Philadelphia, but it seems to be the heart and soul of modern American rock and roll. This record from Restorations is another strong entrant into the field. It evokes the punk side of Springsteen, with rich guitar riffs dancing and weaving between machinegun bursts of percussion. It was produced by Jon Low—who has worked with some of my favorite contemporary artists: The War on Drugs, Frightened Rabbit, and The National, to name a few. And you can absolutely hear those references.
LP5000 has the same sheen as a War on Drugs record, the same crisp percussion as a National record, and the same clean and dynamic guitar sound you’d expect from Frightened Rabbit. But it’s not just about its references. This is also very much a record about its own space and its own time. A time of great doubt, great pain, and an almost limitless sense of fear about what might come next.
These themes are expressed in specific terms. It’s emphatically not a record about how everyone is experiencing 2018, but merely a document about their own tiny sliver of the universe. But that specificity is open. It’s an invitation: tell your story, commiserate. And maybe together we can find a way to hold it all together.
Because the deep truth here is that these songs are absolutely full of pent-up rage, which is tightly coiled, never really finding any sort of release. In many ways, this makes for a frustrating listening experience. There are movements that promise catharsis and refuse to deliver. It’s agonizing. On the other hand, there is a feeling of deep pathos in the performance of these tight circles. To listen is to edge ourselves around the anger, trying to maintain a grip on your sense of self, insisting on a sort of stability in the face of a world that is completely, relentlessly careless.
term manuscript (late lat.manuscriptum,
handwritten books were made,
… As a rule, the manuscript is called
monuments related to deep
The most common form
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in
book about the chess of love “, created by
The most common form
for Countess Louise of Savoy
only a few survived.
ancient and medieval Latin,
which is carried out by the printing
Century to a kind of destruction:
Since the era of Charlemagne
new texts were rewritten
from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]
55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]
European glory, and even after
55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
Century to a kind of destruction:
consists of the book itself
new texts were rewritten